Metatarsus Adductus is a common foot deformity, and can affect approximately 30% of patients with painful bunion deformities. It involves the inward curvature of the forefoot that can cause difficulties in walking and may lead to other complications if left untreated. Adductoplasty, a surgical procedure, has become a viable solution for correcting this condition. This article sheds light on this specialized technique and how it helps in managing Metatarsus Adductus.

What is Metatarsus Adductus?

Metatarsus Adductus is a foot condition where the front half of the foot, or forefoot, turns inward. It’s a congenital condition usually present at birth and can worsen over time and can become arthritic. When present, surgical intervention using corrective procedures such as Adductoplasty can be considered.

What is Adductoplasty?

Adductoplasty is a surgical procedure tailored specifically to correct the alignment of the metatarsal bones. The surgeon reshapes the bone and uses specialized titanium hardware to hold the bones in the corrected position. The first metatarsal bone and bunion deformity are then corrected using the Lapiplasty procedure.


  1. Assessment and Diagnosis: The process begins with a comprehensive examination of the foot, including X-rays, to understand the severity of the deformity.
  2. Preparation: The foot is cleaned, and anesthesia is administered to ensure that the patient feels no pain during the procedure. The procedure is performed in our surgical center with our surgeon team, anesthesia staff and nursing personnel.
  3. Incision: An incision is developed over the affected area to access the metatarsal bones.
  4. Reshaping: Using specialized instruments, specific corrective bone cuts are made at the deviated foot joints to correct the alignment.
  5. Stabilization: Specialized titanium hardware, locking plate and screw technology, is used to stabilize the newly aligned bones.
  6. Closure: The incision is closed using sutures, and the foot is bandaged.
  7. Recovery: Post-surgical care and range of motion exercises play a role in ensuring a successful recovery and restored functionality.

Advantages of Adductoplasty

  • Targeted Correction: Adductoplasty specifically targets the affected bones, ensuring an accurate and effective correction.
  • Improved Mobility: By aligning the bones correctly, Adductoplasty can improve walking, shoe fit, pain and overall mobility.
  • Long-term Solution: It provides a solution to Metatarsus Adductus, unlike some non-surgical treatments that might only offer temporary relief.


Adductoplasty for Metatarsus Adductus is a specialized surgical procedure that offers hope and recovery for those affected by this deformity. It requires expert knowledge and careful execution for optimal results. With advances in surgical techniques, the success rates have been favorable, making it an appealing option for patients seeking a lasting solution.

If you are considering Adductoplasty or want to learn more about Metatarsus Adductus, contact out team of experts at JCMG Podiatry. (573) 556-7724

Note: The information in this blog post is based on publicly available data and should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult with a healthcare provider for personalized recommendations.