Hey, Let’s Talk Bunions… Again

So, you had bunion surgery and thought you were done with the whole ordeal, but your bunion decided to make a comeback. Well, don’t lose hope. I’m here to talk about an exciting and effective method called Lapiplasty. This could be the solution you’ve been looking for!

First Off, What Is Lapiplasty?

Imagine you’re fixing a crooked picture frame. You wouldn’t just tilt it one way; you’d make sure it’s straight from all angles, right? That’s what Lapiplasty does for your foot. It makes sure the bone causing the bunion is set straight in every possible way. It’s corrected in three dimensions.

Why Have Lapiplasty?

It Gets to the Root

Traditional bunion surgery often just shaves off the bump. Lapiplasty goes deeper and realigns the actual bone causing the issue. This bone is called the first metatarsal. The bone is reduced into anatomic alignment and is secured in place with patented titanium implants. This can be performed for patients who are disappointed with their traditional bunion surgery results and can be used to revise failed bunion surgery outcomes. Your bunion is less likely to return if it’s fixed from the root.

What’s the Game Plan?

Before the Surgery

The trained and certified staff at our designated Lapiplasty Elite Center will take specific X-rays to evaluate your foot to make sure that this approach is right for you. The previously placed hardware will be evaluated and identified. The previous procedure and the resulting bone position will be reviewed and a new plan will be made to correct the deformity. This approach is effective for patients who have developed arthritis at the midfoot and/or big toe joint as well.

Traditional Surgery vs. Lapiplasty

The Surgery

  1. **The Cut**:
    A small opening is made over the deviated bone.
  2. **Setting Things Straight**:
    Previously placed hardware (plates/screws) is removed from the bone. Special instruments are used to realign the metatarsal bone.
  3. **Locking It In**:
    Titanium plates and screws make sure everything stays in its new realigned position.

After the Operation

  • A local anesthetic block is administered along with oral pain medication.
  • A cushioned sterile bandage is applied.
  • Limited walking in a protected cast boot is permitted in many cases.
  • Scheduled follow-up visits will be arranged to help guide you through recovery.

Wrapping It Up

If you’re tired of that annoying bunion‘s repeat appearance, Lapiplasty might be your ticket to happier, pain-free feet. As with all surgeries there are risks and benefits. Make sure to chat with your surgeon about these. Contact our office to see if Lapiplasty is the right fit for you: (573) 556-7724.